We Pay Cash For Houses In The Shrewsbury, Massachusetts Area.
We buy houses “as-is” in any condition and close as quickly as 5 days. We pay cash and we pay more than the other investors in the Shrewsbury area.
If you have a house that needs fixed up, you don’t have to fix it up to sell it. Stop paying the property tax, insurance, and utilities for a run down house. Stop being responsible for removing the weeds and mowing the lawn. Home ownership of a run down house can be a huge burden! We can help you replace that “fixer upper” house with cash in the bank, and we can do it fast.
We specialize in paying cash for houses…And because we handle everything ourselves, we can pay more for your house than our competitors.
Can I sell my house if it’s only half repaired?
Yes! We buy houses in any condition. So even if you are half way through renovating your house, regardless of the condition or quality of the work, we’ll buy it. We pay cash for houses and do whatever it takes to repair and resell them.
We can pay you more than the other Shrewsbury area investors.
Many of the other “we buy houses” companies you will find in the Shrewsbury area don’t actually buy houses. Instead, they put houses like yours under contract at a really low price, and then sell the house at a higher price to a real investor (like us). They double close and only own your house for a few minutes.
Why should you care? Because you could have sold your house directly to an investor (like us) and got paid more. Call several investors and you’ll see, we offer the most.
While we specialize in buying “fixer upper” houses, we buy houses in the Shrewsbury area from people in all kinds of situations. We service home sellers in the Shrewsbury area.
Our goal is to help make your life easier and get you out from under the property that’s stressing you out… while still paying a fast, fair, and honest price for your house.